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Our Company.

Culturon is at the forefront of biotechnological innovation, specialising in plasma-treated surfaces that significantly improve biomolecule attachment. Our technology offers vast applications across scientific research, making us a leader in our field.

A Growing Opportunity.

Culturon presents a compelling investment opportunity with a global impact, uniquely positioned within the rapidly evolving biotechnology landscape. Since our founding in 2022, we have experienced rapid growth, demonstrating our capacity to scale and adapt in a highly competitive market. Our innovative plasma-treated surface technology, already available to the scientific community, is setting new standards in the efficiency and efficacy of biomolecule attachment.

Intellectual Property

Owning our intellectual property outright allows us to fully control the development and commercialisation of our plasma-treated surface technology. This exclusivity ensures that all commercial benefits, including potential licensing deals or product expansions, flow directly back to the company and its investors, securing a competitive edge and safeguarding our market position.


Culturon is currently securing its innovative position with a pending patent in Australia and has initiated the process for global filing to protect and expand our technology worldwide. We also have a registered trademark in Australia and New Zealand.

Our products revolutionise scientific research and offer substantial environmental benefits by eliminating the need for toxic chemical linkers. This aligns with a growing global demand for sustainable scientific solutions, positioning Culturon to capitalise on significant market opportunities worldwide.


As we continue to expand our reach and enhance our product offerings, investors have the unique opportunity to be part of a venture that promises not only financial returns but also a chance to contribute to meaningful scientific advancements that have a real-world impact.

Our Continuing Journey.

Culturons growth plan

Since its inception in 2022, Culturon has swiftly progressed from an innovative concept to a dynamic startup poised for significant growth. With a pending patent in Australia and provisional applications filed globally, our legal groundwork solidifies our place in the competitive landscape.


Following our successful pre-seed funding round and subsequent grant achievements, we have registered the "Culturon" trademark, further establishing our brand. Currently, we are engaged in ongoing prototype development, supported by our recent seed funding. This capital injection enables us to advance towards large-scale production capabilities, starting with commissioning a larger-scale reactor designed for prototype and small-scale production.


Looking forward, Culturon is preparing for a pivotal Series A funding round. The proceeds from this will be instrumental in constructing a large-scale plasma manufacturing hub that can produce thousands of plates. This expansion will enhance our manufacturing capabilities and allow us to achieve ISO certification for quality control, setting the stage for high standards in production. Additionally, we aim to cultivate a plasma-treating ecosystem that will serve as the foundation for a global industry.


We are in discussions with some of the world’s leading pharmaceutical and lab supply companies, with intentions of orders already secured for more than 75,000 of our Culturon-treated plates per year. This burgeoning partnership network underscores our potential to become an integral player in the global biotechnology marketplace, driving innovation and supplying cutting-edge solutions at scale.



Get in Touch.

We invite forward-thinking investors to join us on this remarkable journey. If you are looking to invest in a company at the forefront of scientific advancement with substantial market potential, we encourage you to get in touch.


 Discover how your investment can contribute to shaping the future of biotechnology and generate significant returns.

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